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Fall Write Off
First Place
Julia Fielding

Another brown leaf falls to the cracked concrete
The trees look bare and sad
Gray clouds cover a once bright blue sky
Songbirds have long since flown to warmer homes
All seems quiet, dull, and dead
And yet
The earth is bustling with life
Squirrels gather ripe acorns into their nests
Pumpkins brighten their skin to a beautiful bright orange
Pale marshmallows roast to a perfect gold over warm fires
Sparks fly into the air joining the stars to create a mosaic of beauty
Inside cozy homes, the aroma of cinnamon candles warms cold noses
Cheesy Hobby Lobby decorations are scattered throughout the room
Stacks of books are piled on every table, waiting for a rainy day
At last, it’s fall again
The most wonderful time of the yea
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