middle school Scribbler Write Off honorable mention
Jennifer Claussen
This door is located deep in a forest as part of a gigantic oak tree. It was created thousands of years ago by a powerful magician. He used it to go somewhere, but never returned.
The people of the village found out and discovered its secrets. The townspeople decided that they should employ someone to make special keys for the door. They found the magician’s friend, and he accepted the job. For the rest of his life he created keys that would go anywhere customers wanted them to go. If a customer requested to go to a beach, they could go there.
Some people would come back, others wouldn’t. Soon, word spread and people from far and wide came to see and use the door. They eventually had to make a road from the town to the door to accommodate everyone.
One day, the keymaster decided he had enough of making keys for everybody else and had enough of staying in that town. The next day the keymaster left without a word or trace and never came back.
Now, the door sits and waits for a new keymaster.